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This is a portfolio of projects I have carried out on my way to my Advanced Computer Science degree.

Advanced Topics in Software Engineering

I used genetic algorithms to evolve the string “Hello, World!” in Basic Search Strategies, solve the test case prioritisation problem in Regression Testing (pair project) and solve the next release problem in Multi-Objective Optimisation.

I also used genetic programming to build cost prediction models in Software Cost Estimation.

Mobile Software & Applications

I made my first Android app, a pedometer with features like managing a number of goals and keeping a persistent history of daily information, in Keep Fit.

In addition, I helped design, implement and test a contextual awareness framework in Contextual Triggers (group project).


The title of my MSc project is “Monopoly with Bitcoin”. I am creating a Monopoly clone where the Monopoly money is replaced by my own artificial cryptocurrency and users can explore the concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. See Monopoly.

In the future, users will be able to find out more about how blockchain works (e.g. through a visualisation) and view blocks.

Machine Learning for Data Analysis

I predicted the prices of Airbnb properties in Machine Learning and classified handwritten digits and IMDb reviews in Deep Learning (group project).